My Story: How I Fell in Love with Clay

In a way, I have never grown out of wanting to play in the mud. Growing up, I was a pretty typical little boy, exploring and playing outside and just getting dirty. Fast forward to now, and the only real difference is that I’m taller and I can turn the mud into different shapes.

That’s me, Matthew Yocom, after a successful test of the converted kiln I built.

I’ve always loved art. In school I always took art classes. Most of the projects and classes were focused on drawing and painting, but I did take different 3-D art classes. It was these classes where I first created ceramic art. They were not the sorts of things that would blow you away. I was pretty average as far as ceramics through middle and high school. It wasn’t until college that I really found a love for clay.

While in college, my degree concentration was drawing because when I enrolled that was what I knew and was pretty good at. When I needed to choose a 3-D complimentary area of study, I chose ceramics. I signed up for a wheel-throwing class and I was addicted. Most of my free time between classes was spent in the Ceramic studio.

As I learned more and developed my skill with clay, I knew my thesis had to be ceramic. Now, post-graduation, I am placing my focus on my pottery and ceramic art. My first love is and always will be functional pottery. Although I have recently dabbled in sculpture, the vast majority of my ceramic work consists of use-wares. Always learning and growing, I will share what I know and what I learn because the ceramics community is and should continue to be supportive and open to all. I hope you follow my journey and pick up something that helps your own journey in clay!